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GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.2

This marks the second public release of Gnuastro. The full list of changes
can be seen in the `NEWS' file, but the most important added features are:

 - Gnuastro library: for using the building blocks of Gnuastro's programs
   in other C and C++ programs. Python wrappers will also be coming with
   the next releases. In this 0.2 release (first library release), the main
   emphasis was on having a robust library build, management, and
   documentation infra-structure. A lot of work still remains on improving
   the functions: for example they abort on an error. Most of the
   interesting functions are also still locked up in the programs. But with
   this infra-structure in place, the next releases will greatly improve
   the quantity and quality of the offered library functions.

 - A new program to read and write FITS binary and ASCII tables called
   `Table' with the executable name `asttable'. It can also show the column
   information of a FITS table, or select columns with regular expressions
   on their title.