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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • gnuastro_v0.3
    Gnuastro 0.3
  • gnuastro_v0.2
    GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.2
    This marks the second public release of Gnuastro. The full list of changes
    can be seen in the `NEWS' file, but the most important added features are:
     - Gnuastro library: for using the building blocks of Gnuastro's programs
       in other C and C++ programs. Python wrappers will also be coming with
       the next releases. In this 0.2 release (first library release), the main
       emphasis was on having a robust library build, management, and
       documentation infra-structure. A lot of work still remains on improving
       the functions: for example they abort on an error. Most of the
       interesting functions are also still locked up in the programs. But with
       this infra-structure in place, the next releases will greatly improve
       the quantity and quality of the offered library functions.
     - A new program to read and write FITS binary and ASCII tables called
       `Table' with the executable name `asttable'. It can also show the column
       information of a FITS table, or select columns with regular expressions
       on their title.
  • gnuastro_v0.1
    GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.1
    This is the first official release of Gnuastro. The software
    infra-structure has been converted into a very robust system to easily
    accomodate future extensions. Work is also ongoing for the libraries to
    become installable in the 0.2 release.
  • gnuastro_v0.0
    GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.0
    This is a pre-release version of GNU Astronomy Utilities (Gnuastro). It is
    versioned based on the reproduction pipeline of the first paper that
    defined the Gnuastro (Akhlaghi and Ichikawa, ApJS 220, 1. 2015). The
    reproduction pipeline has been submitted with the paper to arXiv
    (1505.01664) and is also present on Gitlab:
    This version will also be available in the tar.gz download page of Gnuastro
    for users who would want to reproduce those results. The fact that this
    version number was tied to the publication of that paper was only necessary
    for that first paper. Subsequent papers will use the released version
    About the tag format:
    The main Gnuastro repository is hosted on Savannah using "cgit". cgit has a
    download link on the summary page. It will provide a .tar.gz tarball by
    suffixing the package name with the tag. So when the tag is in the format
    of X.X, or vX.X, then the tarball will be named `gnuastro-0.0.tar.gz'. This
    is the same tarball name from the FTP server. On the FTP server, the source
    code is bootstrapped and ready for configuration. But the tarball produced
    by cgit only contains the version controlled files. So having the same name
    can cause confusion.
    To avoid this problem, we have specified the tag format of
    `gnuastro_vX.X'. With this format, cgit's automatic tarball name generation
    apparently fails and so it just appends a `.tar.gz' to the tag name. So the
    final result will be `gnuastro_v0.0.tar.gz'. This is sufficiently different
    from the FTP format while also being clear in case (for some reason)
    someone wants to download cgit's tar.gz. And most importantly it will not
    cause any confusion.